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Second foreign language programme targets acquisition of the following knowledge and skills by the students: 
  • Reading and understanding basic and intermediate level texts,
  • Writing sentences, paragraphs or dialogs appropriate for their levels,
  • Understanding conversation appropriate for their levels,
  • Making dialogs appropriate for their levels with good pronunciation, 
  • Understanding the culture of the language they are learning,
  • Acquiring the skills to understand and express one’s self in the basic sense,
  • Ensuring that learned knowledge and skills are transferred to daily life,
  • Raising awareness in students on the advantages that knowing a second foreign language will provide to them,
  • Ensuring acquisition of a different point of view by getting to know a different culture. 

















Our programme is supported with course books and technology that takes the criteria of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages as the basis. Technology support prevents language learning being limited to lesson hours and the classroom walls and provides access to resources facilitating language learning for eager students at their own paces when they want it. As foreign language learning is directly proportional period of exposure to the target language, our students find the opportunity to develop their language skills by completing these activities. 


Our programme is structured with priority given to communicative, student-oriented and project based method.  Equal weight is given to reading, writing, listening comprehension and speaking skills. The learning environment, consisting of different activities that will keep the interest of our students alive at all times, provides the opportunity to communicate in German under natural and meaningful contexts. We aim at contributing to the social, cultural and language development skills of our students with extracurricular activities organized in the school during the education year and reinforce what they have learned as they have fun during the noon activities that are organized.