SEVECEN Sayı: 28 - 2019

262 Grade 7 CE Book Cover Project Every week, our 7th Grade students visited our school library. In library lessons, they read books and completed various projects and activities. For this project, our students designed a full dust jacket book cover for the book they have chosen. They were very skillful in their craftsmanship of their cover which included things like the publisher and their logo, author, awards, blurb, illustrations, Lexile level, price and barcode. They received a valuable glimpse into the work required for creating a new cover for books! Shawn J. Ward Sırma Göknur Sarp Rüzgar SUSUZLU The book cover project was fun because it was based on our creativity and made us think about the book we are about to design. I liked it because I like books and we had our own choice on how we wanted to create it. I made my project about a book that was about Star Wars. First, we got a book we were interested in from our library and read it for a while. Then, we redesigned our own cover by planed it and using our imagination. Finally, we created the book cover out of paper or carton paper, by drawing a cover and labeling the book adding our own summary blurb. In conclusion, it was fun to do this activity. I had so much fun making it and I think my friends felt the same way. Aslı Zeynep ÇAYLI For the book cover project, I chose a fiction book named “Jedi Academy”. I read the book and then I designed my own book cover. When I was done with my cover I added the books price and blurb. I answered some questions about the project on the worksheets which helped me to create my blurb. I thought this project was good. Students got a chance to show their creativity through book covers. Thank you for this project.