SEVECEN Sayı: 28 - 2019

270 Mira ÖZOK We read the Greek myth “Orpheus and Eurydice” in our Language Arts lessons. It was about music and love. It was so exciting. After the reading, we retold the story to show that we could remember it and to show that we understood the story. Almost all of the teams chose to retell the story as a stop-motion movie. We had to make all the puppets ourselves. I enjoyed it. Then we used the app on our IPADS to record the action. We also wrote the text on the slides. Making the film was fun but difficult. In the end we all enjoyed the films together. Duru TAŞAN Stop Motion is an app that we use to create movies easily. You can use puppets, drawings, playdo, legos or other toys to create the action. We usually prefer to make our own puppets out of paper. That’s what we did for this project too. The story we used was a Greek myth called “Orpeus and Eurydice”. It was about a boy called Orpheus and his girlfriend Eurydice. When Eurydice dies, Orpheus travel to the Underworld to take her back from Hades. Because Orpheus plays the lyre so beautifully, he succeeds. But in the end he loses his love because of his impatience. It was an enjoyable story and we made a great stop motion film to retell it. I really liked this project. Karin Tiraşin Mythology In Language Arts The grade 7 students have had a lot of fun studying a collection of Greek Myths this year. Some were classics such as “Prometheus”, ”Pandora’s Box”, “Persephone and Hades” and “Arachne” but stories about Greek heroes such as the mighty Hercules and Perseus were also popular. Interestingly, new technology such as IPADs and APPs lend themselves very well to the study of ancient classics and make them accessible to today’s teenagers. Here are some snapshots from lessons where students are busy retelling the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice by using their own hand- made puppets, backgrounds and scripts along with a stop-motion app. The videos they created were truly amazing and the project was a lot of fun both for the film-makers and for the audience!