SEVECEN Sayı: 29 - 2019
196 S E V E C E N 2 0 2 0 Demir KEÇECİ This year in our Core English we made a slogan and a logo that showed integrity in aquaponics. While doing this project I learned what it is and how to make aquaponics. I also deepened my understanding of what integrity is. Personally, I had so much fun while finding the slogan because there were so many choices. My group and I wanted to choose the best one (I think we did too). I think that I can do aquaponics in my family’s backyard. It would be fun if I do something like that. I think you should try and make your own aquaponics. Don’t worry it is easy, watch one of those how to videos from YouTube and you can learn how to do it.