SEVECEN Sayı: 29 - 2019

S E V E C E N 2 0 2 0  199 Mina YORGANCILAR On the 23rd of November we, the seventh graders, celebrated Halloween at Balloon Court with cool and fun activities that our CE teacher Mr. Ward had designed. We did five activities: making pumpkin masks, eating floating gevreks without using our hands, trying to throw eyeballs which are on a spoon to a monsters eye socket, making someone on our team turn into a mummy, and singing a spooky song. My favorite activity out of all them was the one where we ate without using our hands. İremKILINÇ For Halloween we did some activities like mummy wrapping, simit eating, catching floating apples with our mouth, and more. I found this activity and day to be really entertaining because we made some competitions and competed against each other. I felt awesome at the end of activity because we had a chance to dance, sing, and play games in English. Berk Yağız ŞİMŞEK I really liked the experience of Halloween because we did a lot of fun things like trying to get apples out a bucket filled with water, trying to eat floating simits with only mouths, which was really hard to do. My favorite activity was the one that we did with the ping pong balls eyes on a spoon while walking fast to a bench and when we arrived at the bench had to throw the ping pong balls eyes through the monsters eyes. During this race I was so excited that I accidentally mixed up what to throw so I accidentally threw the spoon.