SEVECEN Sayı: 29 - 2019

200  S E V E C E N 2 0 2 0 Leyal EKİZ We worked on a story writing project during Halloween. We all wrote our very own original spooky story. Let me tell you, it may seem easy but it is not. If we made a mistake, we needed to rewrite it again and again. My story was 2 pages long. I rewrote it 3 times. Some people wrote it for 8 times! It was so hard but fun at the same time. It was fun because we wrote our own ideas with our own creativity while we wear learning to improve our writing. In the end we wrote the last draft perfectly. We later drew scary pictures. We took a photo of the final project and we made a video of ourselves while reading our own story and uploaded them both to our Google Classroom. We finally had a poster to present. We worked on it for about 7 classes. Like I said before, it was fun and hard. At the very least we all learned from our mistakes. Additionally, we all wrote very good and spooky stories. SPOOKY STORY Students in their grade 7 Core English class worked to create their own spooky stories. For this project they produced a spooky or scary story, created their own cover photo, and a short video of the story as an audio file.