SEVECEN Sayı: 29 - 2019

220 S E V E C E N 2 0 2 0 By reading this book, we learned about a place we can’t visit because of the overwhelming number of security problems. Learning about another country, Afghanistan, gave us an opportunity to understand that in any situation, kids can find a way to live, play, and laugh. They play soccer even on a battlefield and a mine field. After reading the book, we thought the effort they have put forth should not end with despair. So, we created another chapter, Chapter 43, with another ending for the book. It was fun to change a hopeless ending to a hopeful one. Life in Afghanistan is terrifying, so sad, and very dangerous. We learned about Afghanistan and how people learn to survive in various dangerous situations. They also struggle to do a lot of things outside and inside of their country. We changed the ending of the book to a depressing one. We changed it to a depressing one because everything doesn’t need to end with happiness. And to anyone who happens to see the poster we made of our brand new chapter - Illuminati CONFIRMED. Janset SELEN Alp ÖZTÜRK Aslı Zeynep ÇAYLI Yiğit ÖZKAYAGAN Alaz ATEŞ