SEVECEN Sayı: 29 - 2019

38 S E V E C E N 2 0 2 0 Pınar Boynikoğlu INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY INTO TEACHING AND LEARNING Today, technology plays a very significant role in education. Meaningful technology use can support a positive learning environment for students who have different learning styles, needs and expectations. It also empowers students to develop the 21st century skills of communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity and prepares them for the future carriers. Integrating different methodologies with instructional technology increases student engagement and motivation in learning. In SEV, we are trying to integrate technology into our teaching by using effective tools which are appropriate for the age and levels of the students. In “Digital Story Book Creating Club”, we integrate “Book Creator” application into our storytelling activities. During this integration, we use technology as a tool to make the process of learning more effective and engaging. Before using the iPads, we read a story book, we complete follow-up activities about the story and play games to reinforce the vocabulary and concepts in the book. Then, students sequence the story cards and work on the story elements which carry us to use the application more meaningfully. In the next step, each student is introduced to Book Creator on their Ipads and take pictures of their sequenced story pictures that they have colored. Finally, they record their voice by retelling the story, create their own storybooks and then they share their digital books with each other. It’s also possible to publish their books to their families. All through the process, students take an active role in learning which also promotes learner independence by supporting the authentic learning and giving chance to practice language skills without being embarrassed or anxious of making mistakes. They can show what they know about the topic by creating their own digital books. All in all, it is a great way to become an author at any age with the feeling of self-esteem and pride.